Hi Guys
I have a problem with the ION A503 Thin Client, Nothing But
WTware Lite Version 4.2.1 will even boot this little Geode Based system
Tried booting from "USB flash, and USB cdrom"
When i do get 4.2.1 to run up, i am then unable to carry out the install to hard drive or any configrations as the USB keyboard is not Found ?.
All versions from 4.2.1 onwards cause the A503 to hang including the Pro
version i tryed out.
It grinds to a halt giving the error message "Kernal Panic"
Is anyone aware of Problems with this small micro PC
Regards Paul
Dont Panic
More Info
Hi All,
During my continued testing with WTware lite, i found that a problem
seems to occur with the Tftp side of things, PXE booting fails and displays
an error mesage "Malformed RRQ", Stopping and disabling WTwares
TFTP service and reinstalling a new separate tftp server cured this problem,
BUT i still have the original problem above with my AMD Geode
Regards Paul..
During my continued testing with WTware lite, i found that a problem
seems to occur with the Tftp side of things, PXE booting fails and displays
an error mesage "Malformed RRQ", Stopping and disabling WTwares
TFTP service and reinstalling a new separate tftp server cured this problem,
BUT i still have the original problem above with my AMD Geode
Regards Paul..
Hi Aka,
Just loaded the new 4.5.13 Beta onto my NoteBook, then created a USB boot PenDrive and tryed to boot the Geode via The memory stick.
Whilst it does Boot I,m afraid it still just hangs and comes up with a Kernel error..
One of the main error messages states
Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address
*pde = 00000000
Futher on it states...
Code 8b 48 1c 31 ff 31 f6 8b 11 8a 42 01 3c 02 74 0b 3c 14 75 0e
<0> Kernal panic: attempted to kill init!
Hope you can make some sense of this let's know what you think
Kind Regards Paul
P.S. if you need more info from the screen i will type it up by hand ...
Just loaded the new 4.5.13 Beta onto my NoteBook, then created a USB boot PenDrive and tryed to boot the Geode via The memory stick.
Whilst it does Boot I,m afraid it still just hangs and comes up with a Kernel error..
One of the main error messages states
Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address
*pde = 00000000
Futher on it states...
Code 8b 48 1c 31 ff 31 f6 8b 11 8a 42 01 3c 02 74 0b 3c 14 75 0e
<0> Kernal panic: attempted to kill init!
Hope you can make some sense of this let's know what you think
Kind Regards Paul
P.S. if you need more info from the screen i will type it up by hand ...
Hi All,
After my tests last night with the Beat Version 4.5.13 at home,
i decided to reinstall it and test again at work in the server room.
My test setup FAILED!!
Once again the Malformed RRQ error shows up, the only way around this
is to use Tftpd32 as the tftp server, and not the wtware Tftp server.
Once this issue was resolved i then found that when trying to PXE boot random machines in our IT suite, another error shows
The Message "Incorrect noddc value"
Any Ideas ??
Test Carried out on Dell Machines
Must remember this is a Beta..
And the software still don't like my Geode CPU's at all
Regards Paul...
After my tests last night with the Beat Version 4.5.13 at home,
i decided to reinstall it and test again at work in the server room.
My test setup FAILED!!
Once again the Malformed RRQ error shows up, the only way around this
is to use Tftpd32 as the tftp server, and not the wtware Tftp server.
Once this issue was resolved i then found that when trying to PXE boot random machines in our IT suite, another error shows
The Message "Incorrect noddc value"
Any Ideas ??
Test Carried out on Dell Machines
Must remember this is a Beta..
And the software still don't like my Geode CPU's at all
Regards Paul...
Hi Aka,
Thankyou for the feedback, the DHCP server is our domain controller, using Win2k3 server standard.
Re: The ION A503
Here's a link to the unit
The Original Manafacturer is here
Model shown here is now the current Production Unit The ION A603
with full spesification list &chipset info
Best Regards Paul..
Thankyou for the feedback, the DHCP server is our domain controller, using Win2k3 server standard.
Re: The ION A503
Here's a link to the unit
The Original Manafacturer is here
Model shown here is now the current Production Unit The ION A603
with full spesification list &chipset info
Best Regards Paul..
Re: Dont Panic
Newer WTware version should fix this problem.