WTWare Virtualhere USB Server shutdown after licensing

Special tool from VirtualHere company for USB redirection. One device for each thin client for free
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WTWare Virtualhere USB Server shutdown after licensing

Post by keanu »

Hello Community,

i have a problem with the Virtualhere USB Server on WTWare. When i licensing him the USB Server detects the serial number and set the max_devices parameter to unlimited. But then it shutdowns. Has anyone an idea, why happening this? I have uploaded the files on the wtware webserver too, but it is the same result. Every time i have to paste the license to the virtual here client on windows hosts. Thats very annoying. :)

Here is the reference thread:


The runme Lines:

chmod +x vhusbdarm
/vhusbdarm -b

The config.ini:

EasyFindId=from the virtualhere client ini
EasyFindPin=from the virtualhere client ini
License=the virtualhere license number
ServerName=IP of Raspi

Here is the Wtware Log screenshot:
Xy00T4EB0vbLtD8S.png (41.19 KiB) Viewed 13645 times
Last edited by keanu on Thu Mar 14, 2024 10:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: WTWare Virtualhere USB Server shutdown after licensing

Post by akatik »

1. Here is the manual for creating logs: http://wtware.com/logs.html

There are four items and no text "delete everything interesting and show only few lines".

2. In reference thread "Rename it from "vhusbdarmpi4" to "vhusbdarm". What if not rename binary? Change file name in runme file instead.

3. On 13.22 vhusbdarm shuts down, but later you connect to it. Who starts it?
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Re: WTWare Virtualhere USB Server shutdown after licensing

Post by keanu »


i have tried the following things.

To point 2:
Using the binary names vhusbdarmpi4 and vhusbdarm with renaming and change in runme, but that didnt work. I upload the three files runme,config.ini and the zip file locally on the wtware disk.
And i have updated the Version from 6.2.12 to 6.2.16 and tried the same. But that also didnt work.

To Point 3:
The RDS-Server connects to it, because the Virtual Client is installed as Service to handle multiple Virtualhere Connections simultaneously. But when i paste the license on the VH Client then it will be accepted, but when i reboot the Pi the license disappear and will not save persistent.

I have few questions:
1) Do i need upload the files on the boot disk locally or is it enough, when the WTWare Client pulls the zip?
2) Is the Easyfind-Parameter and IT-Parameter required? Because its a VPN Client Service from Virtualhere.
3) And what means Using large URBs? After that the error happens

The screenshot:

Kind regards,

Unbenannt.PNG (28.78 KiB) Viewed 13625 times
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Re: WTWare Virtualhere USB Server shutdown after licensing

Post by akatik »

Please. Show. Me. The. Logs.

Full logs.

On every case that didn't work.

Send to support@wtware.com if it includes any sensitive data and cannot be published.
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Re: WTWare Virtualhere USB Server shutdown after licensing

Post by aka »

Here is logging manual:


The most important here is second point:
2. Remove all lines from terminal configuration file. Absolutely all. Think what should be in configuration file to reproduce the error. For example, if you have problem with usb barcode scanner, specify only server= and serial= parameters. You will recover all your lines after as soon as we solve current problem.
Most problems with wtware are solved by removing unnecessary lines from config.
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