screenswitch with arrows

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screenswitch with arrows

Post by indigodelta »

Windows uses the keyboard combination of SHIFT-WIN and the arrow keys to move windows between desktops in a multi-screen setup. Windows also uses the keyboard shortcut CTRL-WIN and the arrow keys to move between it's own virtual desktops. Neither of these work with wtware because anything with the Window key pressed is assumed by wtware to switch between wtware's connections.

The screenswitch parameter only seems to affect the WIN+number keys for jumping straight to a particular desktop, not the arrow keys, and redefining this has no effect on the WIN+arrow keys used for things inside the client.

Is there a way to redefine wtware's behaviour when used with the WIN and arrow keys, similar to screenswitch but affecting the arrow keys, too?
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Re: screenswitch with arrows

Post by akatik »

The screenswitch= parameter should affect the arrow keys now.

1. Show me terminal log: so I can find screenswitch= parameter value active now.

2. Which keys and in which order do you press? Please, be extremely strict. "Press and keep pressed left win, press left arrow, release left arrow, release left win" or similar.

3. What result do you get?

4. What result do you expect?

Also, please reproduce the same steps with "screenswitch=none" in config. With this setting, wtware should not switch screens by keyboard and pass all keys to windows. If required sequence doesn't work with "screenswitch=none", problem is not in screenswitch.
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Re: screenswitch with arrows

Post by indigodelta »

So I've figured out the problem. I was using Win-Alt-N but that seems to be invalid. Changing it to Win-Ctrl-N works, but I don't want to use the Ctrl key since that is used by windows for switching virtual desktops. Where do I find documentation about which key combinations are valid, please? I'd specifically like to use Alt or some more complex combination.

Thank you.
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Re: screenswitch with arrows

Post by akatik »

Now only three variants are available: default Win-N, Win-Ctrl-N and disabled.

I can add any sequence. Please, only one sequence. Win-Alt-N ? Win-Alt-left Ctrl-right Shift-N ?
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Re: screenswitch with arrows

Post by indigodelta »

Thank you. Win-Alt-N is not used by Windows, so I think that is the best one. Could I suggest that the documentation be updated also to state clearly that only specific options are allowed and to list the valid options?

Thank you for your support.
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Re: screenswitch with arrows

Post by aka »

Please try 6.2.16 version. In config:

Code: Select all

screenswitch = Win-Alt-N
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Re: screenswitch with arrows

Post by indigodelta »

This works perfectly. Thank you.
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