Hardware acceleration h264 on Raspberry and Intel

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Hardware acceleration h264 on Raspberry and Intel

Post by akatik »

Hardware acceleration h264 AVC444.

Codec significantly loads server processors (up to 30% on all six Core i5 kernels for one client, that watches FullHD video). If all server kernels are overloaded, video may become disorted. Hardware acceleration on server works, if server works on physical hardware. In latest HyperV Microsoft stopped RemoteFX 3D Video Adapter support, hardware acceleration in virtual servers now is questionable...

By default in WTware turned on. If it paints incorrectly, turn it off by the line "graphic=disable-h264" in terminal config.

By default on servers turned off. You should turn it on manually in gpedit.msc:
h264_1.png (54.77 KiB) Viewed 54454 times
All the graphics, not only video is compressed by the same codec. Thus video works much better, but with office graphics may be surprises. Image- test for h264:
h264_crash_test_800.png (7.51 KiB) Viewed 54454 times
Download this image and open it in MS Paint. Do not zoom, must be 100% zoom. If in RDP session h264 compression is used, then in WTware and in mstsc.exe you'll see special effect. 2019 server without video hardware acceleration on server shows this image the best. In 2019 without video hardware acceleration on server widely publicized AVC444 is turned off, works AVC420, AVC420 will significantly blur this image. On 2016 server and on 2019 with hardware acceleration video will work with AVC444, it will works sloooooowly. You can see how AVC420 (fast, but image is blurred) differs from AVC444 (slooooow, but restores all that was distorted by AVC420).

WTware Changelog regarding this topic:

Since 6.0.34 supported on Raspberry. On Raspberry now it's possible to watch video by RDP! There was nothing like this before. WTware is the only RDP client, able to show good video on Raspberry by RDP with hardware h264.

SInce 6.0.38 supported on x86 and UEFI. For Intel chips hardware acceleration should work, for AMD will be later, but right now software acceleration should work, it's rather fast.

SInce 6.0.42 supported network bandwidth detection ("bandwidthautodetect:i:1" in .rdp file). If network allows server is giving out more traffic (I saw up to 30 megabit per client), anв image quality in some moments becomes much better.

SInce 6.2.36 server configuration for 2019 and 2022 servers is not needed anymore, WTware by default shows h264. To turn it off - set graphic= in Wtware config or in server configuration to Disabled.
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