* USB webcam,
* printers,
* scanners,
* bar-code scanners,
* USB disk,
* sound headsets
it's better NOT to to use USB redirection, but use proper redirection ways.
If you want to redirect some device in WTware, first always check if it can be redirected using mstsc.exe from Windows! About redirection in Windows read here: http://forum.wtware.com/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=47476
Once again, now in black, for not everyone notices red letters. Before redirection of USB device in WTware, always check it's redirection in Windows using mstsc.exe! Seriously. mstsc.exe brings many new discoveries. About redirection in Windows read here: http://forum.wtware.com/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=47476
WTware redirects devices by USB ID. To determine device USB ID:
1. Boot WTware and see "Windows login" screen.
2. Connect USB device.
3. In web-browser enter terminal IP. In every WTware terminal there's embedded web-server.
4. Open USB Bus section. There will be the list of all connected devices USB IDs.
In WTware configuration file specify:
Code: Select all
usb = 1234:AB67
Code: Select all
usb = 1234:AB67, 3456:78CD
See terminal web-interface, USB Bus section, there will be specified Bus Id of each connected device. It will be marked by orange. Disconnect one device, connect to the same USB port another deivce and refresh page with list in browser - new device will appear with the same Bus Id. In configuration file specify:
Code: Select all
usb = 1-2
Code: Select all
usb = 2-3.1
Code: Select all
usb = mass_storage
Avoid conflicts, if you're using several connections! Eaqch device should be redirected only once. If you redirect it several times - it won't work at all. Generally, do not write excess lines in configuration file, it make understanding difficult for you and for techsupport.