WTware with XP Unlimited farm

WTware network boot ways - bootable floppy, DOS, PXE-loaders, BootROM chips.
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WTware with XP Unlimited farm

Post by eszzsolt »

We are using two XP Unlimited terminal servers in an XP unlimited farm.
We are using WTware on thin clients to boot from DHCP, and connect to one of the XP Unlimited server.
In the configuration file, we are using the following method to configure server connection:

win2kiP = xpu:<server#1 IP>
win2kiP2 = xpu:<server#2 IP>

In the beginning of the WTware boot process, we are getting a screen, where we could type in a username, which serves a server selection process.
In this login screen, we have english keyboard layout instead of hungarian, as we expect. We are added the keyboard = hu parameter in the WTware
client config file (<mac-address>.conf), which changed the default keyboard layout in the remote desktop login screen to hungarian, but it didn' changed
the keyboard layout of this "pre-login" screen.

How can we change the default keyboard layout of that login screen, if at all is possible?
We are using version 4.5.42.

Thanks for your support!
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Re: WTware with XP Unlimited farm

Post by aka »

A screen, where we could type in a username, which serves a server selection process.
WTware handles this screen and keyboard. Currently only english and russian languages are supported here. Sorry, we don't know hungarian very well... To add another language here, we need unikode hungarian keymap. Table, where each letter key on the keyboard has two correspond UNICODE values in hungarian, for lower and upper case chars. For english, it's:
key Q - code 0x71 - code 0x51
key W - code 0x77 - code 0x57
key E - code 0x65 - code 0x45
and so on.
For russian,
key Q - code 0x0439 - code 0x0419
key W - code 0x0446 - code 0x0426
key E - code 0x0443 - code 0x0423
and so on.
We need such table for hungarian.
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Re: WTware with XP Unlimited farm

Post by eszzsolt »


Thanks for your answer!

On the following two links, you can find the hungarian keyboard layout with unicode key-codes, and the English-UK keyboard layout
which is the base of the Hungarian layout:


I've made the key code mapping for you, which based on the English-UK keyboard layout.

key ` - code 0x0030 - code 0x00a7
key 1 - code 0x0031 - code 0x0027 - code 0x007e
key 2 - code 0x0032 - code 0x0022 - code 0x030c
key 3 - code 0x0033 - code 0x002b - code 0x0302
key 4 - code 0x0034 - code 0x0021 - code 0x0306
key 5 - code 0x0035 - code 0x0025 - code 0x030a
key 6 - code 0x0036 - code 0x002f - code 0x0328
key 7 - code 0x0037 - code 0x003d - code 0x0060
key 8 - code 0x0038 - code 0x0028 - code 0x0307
key 9 - code 0x0039 - code 0x0029 - code 0x0301
key 0 - code 0x00f6 - code 0x00d6 - code 0x030b
key - - code 0x00fc - code 0x00dc - code 0x0308
key = - code 0x00f3 - code 0x00d3 - code 0x0327

key q - code 0x0071 - code 0x0051 - code 0x005c
key w - code 0x0077 - code 0x0057 - code 0x007c
key e - code 0x0065 - code 0x0045
key r - code 0x0072 - code 0x0052
key t - code 0x0074 - code 0x0054
key y - code 0x007a - code 0x005a
key u - code 0x0075 - code 0x0055 - code 0x20ac
key i - code 0x0069 - code 0x0049
key o - code 0x006f - code 0x004f
key p - code 0x0070 - code 0x0050
key [ - code 0x0151 - code 0x0150 - code 0x00f7
key ] - code 0x00fa - code 0x00da - code 0x00d7

key a - code 0x0061 - code 0x0041
key s - code 0x0073 - code 0x0053 - code 0x0111
key d - code 0x0064 - code 0x0044 - code 0x00d0
key f - code 0x0066 - code 0x0046 - code 0x005b
key g - code 0x0067 - code 0x0047 - code 0x005d
key h - code 0x0068 - code 0x0048
key j - code 0x006a - code 0x004a
key k - code 0x006b - code 0x004b - code 0x0142
key l - code 0x006c - code 0x004c - code 0x0141
key ; - code 0x00e9 - code 0x00c9 - code 0x0024
key ' - code 0x00e1 - code 0x00c1 - code 0x00df
key # - code 0x0171 - code 0x0170 - code 0x00a4

key \ - code 0x00ed - code 0x00cd - code 0x003c
key z - code 0x0079 - code 0x0059 - code 0x003e
key x - code 0x0078 - code 0x0058 - code 0x0023
key c - code 0x0063 - code 0x0043 - code 0x0026
key v - code 0x0076 - code 0x0056 - code 0x0040
key b - code 0x0062 - code 0x0042 - code 0x007b
key n - code 0x006e - code 0x004e - code 0x007d
key m - code 0x006d - code 0x004d
key , - code 0x002c - code 0x003f - code 0x003b
key . - code 0x002e - code 0x003a
key / - code 0x002d - code 0x005f - code 0x002a

As you can see, there is a third column, which stores the Alt Gr + <key> combination codes. I don't know how you can handle this, but there are a lot of
important keys (like <>#&@[]) located on this positions in the Hungarian keyboard layout.
The most important difference between the English and the Hungarian layout is the swapped 'y' and 'z' keys.
We are using these letters quite frequently in Hungarian, so it is a great scope of errors if the login screen doesn't support Hungarian layout.
I hope this mapping table helps. If you could make a patch, it would be very helpful for us!

Thank you for your support!
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Re: WTware with XP Unlimited farm

Post by aka »

Great. This is exactly what we need.

Sorry, but I found one more trouble. As far as I know XPU farm protocol, username is sending in plain ASCII, not in unicode. I've just tried to connect with XP Unlimited farm with account including russian chars and failed to do this. I used XP unlimited 2.2 for Windows XP.

Can you connect to XP unlimited farm with login including non-latin chars? If so, perhaps you send us traffic dump (TCP, port 3390)? Ethereal is a good program to dump traffic.
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Re: WTware with XP Unlimited farm

Post by eszzsolt »


Thanks for your reply! We will check this behavior in our system and get back with the results.

However, the unicode characters are not as important as swapped 'y' and 'z' keys, because our current customers are not using unicode characters in the username, but the 'y' and 'z' letters are very common in hungarian language. I am sure that in future we will meet some customers who are using unicode characters in the usernames, but now it would be very useful for us if you could make a patch for this to resolve the swapped y/z problem quickly in our customer's system.

Thanks for your support!
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