Some questions regarding wtware

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Some questions regarding wtware

Post by hooked888 »


I'm new to this software and i did like to ask for some question regarding to its funtionality.

1. From what i understand after some minor reading, we only need to install to SERVER the applications/programs and it will be use for all CLIENTS. Am i right? Do you mean SERVER is just like an real-time image file for all CLIENTS?

2. When the applications/programs run in CLIENT after load from SERVER, the processing resource(Processor, RAM, Video Card, Hard Drive) using is on SERVER or CLIENT?

3. When SERVER upgrade/install/update some applications/programs, does the CLIENTS directly take effect or CLIENTS need to reboot in order to have those updates change?

4. If user on CLIENT PC insert/plug-in their USB flash-drive or CD, can their browse their file on that? Or they need to plug-in in SERVER PC in order to brwose through?

5. Example, I have a gaming/internet cyber-cafe and around 100-200 PCs linked. I going to update some online game patchess and anti-virus update. I not going to move 1 by 1 and update those patches/updates which could took my whole weekend to complete, can wtware save my problems? What i mean is i just update once in SERVER and ALL CLIENTS will take effect after reboot.

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Some questions regarding wtware

Post by aka »

hooked888 wrote:Hi,

1. From what i understand after some minor reading, we only need to install to SERVER the applications/programs and it will be use for all CLIENTS. Am i right? Do you mean SERVER is just like an real-time image file for all CLIENTS?
2. When the applications/programs run in CLIENT after load from SERVER, the processing resource(Processor, RAM, Video Card, Hard Drive) using is on SERVER or CLIENT?
Applications don't load from server, they run on server and are just displayed on client. So client resources are used just to display image sent by server.
3. When SERVER upgrade/install/update some applications/programs, does the CLIENTS directly take effect or CLIENTS need to reboot in order to have those updates change?
Upgrade/install/update of applications should be done without connected clients.
4. If user on CLIENT PC insert/plug-in their USB flash-drive or CD, can their browse their file on that? Or they need to plug-in in SERVER PC in order to brwose through?
Users can use flash-drives on client PC. For more information see
5. Example, I have a gaming/internet cyber-cafe and around 100-200 PCs linked. I going to update some online game patchess and anti-virus update. I not going to move 1 by 1 and update those patches/updates which could took my whole weekend to complete, can wtware save my problems? What i mean is i just update once in SERVER and ALL CLIENTS will take effect after reboot.
WTware will help you with updates and patches. The other problem is that WTware is not suitable for gaming cyber-cafe. Graphic applications will work very slow on terminals.
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