VirtualHere allows to redirect one USB device from each thin client for free.
VirtualHere license doesn't allow to add their server into WTware distributive. So you'll have to download it and prepare.
1. On the page "Linux USB Server" download "Generic VirtualHere USB Server Builds" for needed architecture. WTware works on three architectures: i386, AMD64, ARM.
All Raspberry Pi versions are ARM architecture. So for Raspberry you are to download VirtualHere USB Server for Linux (ARM), file vhusbdarm.
Common x86-compatible computer may be i386 or AMD64. Boot WTware on needed computer, place mouse in the right bottom corner and look at popup window. If near WTware version you see UEFI word, it's 64-bit WTware, and you are to download VirtualHere USB Server for Linux (AMD64), file vhusbdx86_64.
If there's no UEFI word near WTware version and logo, then WTware for i386 architecture works on this computer. You are to download VirtualHere USB Server for Linux (i386), file vhusbdi386.
2. Write script for running. Text file must be named runme without extension. File contents for different architectures:
Code: Select all
chmod +x vhusbdi386
/vhusbdi386 -b
Code: Select all
chmod +x vhusbdx86_64
/vhusbdx86_64 -b
Code: Select all
chmod +x vhusbdarm
/vhusbdarm -b
3. File with VirtualHere server and running script runme (both files without extensions!) pack to zip archive.
4. Copy zip archive to C:\ProgramData\WTware\Everyone directory for terminals that download configs by network. Or to configs/ directory on boot disk for terminal, that store configs on local disk, this could be done by network using terminal web-interface.
5. In terminal configuration file specify:
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
[SYSLOG] <14>Jul 31 07:02:57 vhusbdi386[827]: >>> Starting VirtualHere USB Server v3.8.1 (Built: Dec 14 2018, 14:36:02)<<<
We managed to redirect USB-COM bridge, but failed to redirect USB camera. I.e. nothing special, RDP USB redirection gives almost the same results.
If you'll manage to redirect devices, that you failed to redirect using RDP - write in this topic!
Here are ready zip-archives with servers of 3.8.1 version for different architectures: http://wtware.com/files/virtualhere/
It's better not to use them, but pack your own with fresh server's version, as described above.