DHCP: IP Address of terminal always reverts to former IP when re-opening Configurator

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DHCP: IP Address of terminal always reverts to former IP when re-opening Configurator

Post by rholighaus »

I have changed the range for IP addresses to avoid conflict with other clients in our network.
I have one terminal (Raspi 2) where I can change the IP in Configurator, the change is accepted.
The file "ip" is changed to the value I configured in the terminal's folder under C:\ProgramData\WTware\Terminals\B8.27.EB.xx.xx.xx.

When I close the WTware configurator, the file "ip" still reflects to the IP I have assigned.
As soon as I restart WTwarre configurator, the file "ip" for this client will be altered and reset to the former IP, which is no longer valid.
I find no way to reconfigure this terminal's IP permanently. Any idea what could go wrong? Are there any cache files?
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Re: DHCP: IP Address of terminal always reverts to former IP when re-opening Configurator

Post by akatik »

1. Open in configurator DHCP service log and clear it.
2. Turn off this terminal.
3. Change terminal IP in configurator.
4. Turn on terminal.
If terminal IP won't change, send me to support@wtware.com DHCP log.
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Joined: Thu Jun 02, 2016 3:00 pm

Re: DHCP: IP Address of terminal always reverts to former IP when re-opening Configurator

Post by rholighaus »

It looks like our second DHCP server (the main one) ignored the (synced) settings.
Fixed it, restarted all thin clients and it seems to work now. Thank you!
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